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10 Nov 2009

Still a truckin’

Author: shiloanne | Filed under: Uncategorized

As you may have read in some of the blogs, Shilo seems to have found a few set backs with her fight on “C”. But we are not talking about that :-). We promised positive, and positive we will stay on our blog to the end.

So here is some recent news…. We still love going bye bye!! Oh – Ya

Shilo waiting to go bye bye


Our absolute favorite game that we just can’t ignore – chase the laser light. The laser is on the comforter..

Shilo getting the laser light


This is our best but Nuk – we talked about him in our earlier blogs. This was before the “C” word but boy it sure makes Mom laugh everytime she sees it!!

Me and my best bud Nuk


And Mom always loves my kisses since I am not a very licky dog… Well actually from the looks of her tongue in the picture before, maybe I am glad she is not a licky dog.. 🙂

Just loving my mommy

4 Responses to “Still a truckin’”

  1. Peyton's Path Says:

    Stay positive Shilo! Remember one day at a time! Enjoy the moment and givenyour Mom more kisses!!!!!!!

  2. cairasue Says:

    Look how beautiful you are, Shilo! What a glossy coat. I do, indeed, LOVE the tongue picture! Looks like they just got done with a gollup of peanut butter! Shilo’s squinched closed eyes seals that picture as very very cute!

  3. shiloanne Says:

    Cairasue –

    Funny thing about that tongue picture.. No peanut butter, no anything… I was trying to get a nice picture of the 2 of them together, and that is what they gave me. Think they were trying to tell me something?? 🙂

  4. loopdoop Says:

    Thank you! just what I need to read right now…

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