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3 Jan 2010

Author: shiloanne | Filed under: Uncategorized

This is definitely long over due. I just couldn’t seem to bring myself to truly say goodbye. Shilo Anne lost her tough battle with cancer 11/23/2009. She was such an inspiration, more so today then ever. I look over those last pictures we took and realize that was just 24 hours before we said goodbye and she was still trying to stay strong.


Christmas was so hard for our family without her here, she had been our heart baby. Not many fur babies reach the level of heart baby. You know the ones you think are more human then dog… That was Shilo, I swear that girl knew us better then we knew ourselves. I don’t know how many wonderful stories I could share with you on show her love graced our family. Her strength gave us strength… Her courage gave us such a new perspective on life, love, and strength. She was truly our best friend, our confident, and our heart.


Our last day together was sooo hard… We all knew time was short and trying to make the best of things was so difficult. I tried to get that paw print I talked about, but the stuff got stuck in her fur and she was definitely not happy with me at all.. I ruined the print and cried, I knew I might not get it again. And I didn’t…. The next day I came home from work to her dad saying that she had been getting sick all morning. I thought maybe we could take her to the lake for one last dip, but half way there she started getting sick all over the car. I knew she wouldn’t make it nor would she even be impressed by being there. The best thing to do was to let her go home.  So we turned the car around and headed back to the vet. We didn’t even call; I just walked in tears streaming down my face as I realized this was it. The people at the vet’s office came and gave hugs and we settled her bill before bringing her in, and as we said our goodbyes I just lost it. The Dr, Brian and I just bawled and she lay limp in my arms and her Dr. said she was gone. Dr. Plecia then asked the uncanny question, “Would we like a paw print?” I just bawled and shook my head yes. I couldn’t believe they were asking me for the one thing that I needed more then anything at that point. And so a paw print was made.


It has now been 1 ½ months since we said goodbye and life is more bearable but, we miss her terrible everyday. She was such an extension to  her Dad and I, I just can’t explain. I know that she will be waiting for us, as I look forward to the day I see her again. I love her and miss her so much!! My heart aches to feel the softness of her fur and the love she had for us in her soul.  We love you so much Shi Shi and we will never, ever forget you!!


Here are some photo’s from her last day with us….


11/22/2009 The last day she was with us…..

Pic 1 November 23

2 nd pic nov 23

3rd pic mommy trying to get the paw print

4th pic mommy trying to get paw print. Now daddy helping mommy get paw out.

You can’t tell she was totally pissed at me for trying to get the paw print… I felt sooo bad….

5th pic nov 23 - i feel cruddy but i love my mom and dad to pretend i am ok

And here she is trying to make me feel better…


6th pic... sorry mom and dad i just don't feel good I need to rest


7th pic... Daddy opened the window so shi could look and smell outside, her favorite thing...

Here is one of my fav’s… This was her favorite spot and she loved it when Daddy laid and looked out with her… Especially when he cracked the window where she could get all the smells in…

8th pic nov 23 shi shi is finally getting some much needed sleep... This is our final picture

Pooped and tired, she finally slept pretty good for awhile until she woke me at 2 am. This was the last photo we got of her before we took her in for her last visit to the vet a 12 noon 11/23/2009. This is how I want to remember her, peaceful and sleeping… Instead of the image of holding her head in my arms and I whispered how much I loved her and feeling her leave me and go limp. If there are prayers out there, please prayer for that. I just want to remember this beautiful angel…

The paw print Shilo's vet took.... Thank you Cottage Grove Vet Clinic and Dr. Pleacia!!

Here is Shi Shi’s collar and the paw print done by the vets office. Tonight was the first night I have taken it out since bringing it home… I can still feel every mark of her paws in the print. I am so thankful that they did this for out family… Thank you…


To all those who were there with us during our walk with Shilo, I am sorry I have been MIA for a bit. It was just to hard, and I had to find a place to really grieve. I can’t tell you though Caira Sue, Codie Rae how much your cards meant to me. They came at such a great time. Cherry’s Dad, Tazzie’s Mom, Emily’s Mom, and Jake’s Mom thank you sooooo much for the support. Adm and Jerry God knows how much I am thankful for you and this website. I would had lost my sanity that first week I brought her home.

There are many more who added their support and knowledge through our trials, and you will have to forgive this old brain of mine… Thank you so much… Shilo thanks you too….


Love – Alisa

59 Responses to “”

  1. jakesmom Says:

    Hi Alisa,

    I’m so glad to finally hear from you again… I have been thinking about you since you lost your precious baby, Shilo. She was sooo beautiful… and so loved. I know that the holidays must have been so difficult.

    Since my husband and I can’t have children, all our holidays revolved around our fur kids… These holidays were bittersweet. Bitter because we were missing our sweet golden Jake… and sweet because we had adopted a little kitten and she was totally occupied our (and Wolfie’s) time… I know that Jake would have loved her too!

    Thank you for sharing your last pictures of Shilo with us… Sending you a big loving hug!

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  2. admin Says:

    Beautiful tribute. Precious photos. Thank you for sharing Shilo with us all.

  3. cairasue Says:

    Beautifully said, Alisa. I feel Shilo out there watching you guys. And I’ll bet she has already been spending time as an angel sitting on the bed waiting for your husband to crack the window and look out with her.

  4. Tazzie Says:

    Alisa and family

    This tribute is beautiful. I am glad that smart Admin posted the link – I did not notice it earlier. And it is wonderful to hear from you again. We miss Tazzie’s Little Sis Shilo very much.

    Very nice to see the photos. Of course Shilo looks in good form that day. I guess that was also the case for Tazzie on his last day. I didn’t realize Shilo and Tazzie left quite so close together – only about two weeks apart.

    I am glad she was your heart dog, but sad that your heart aches so much now.

    Thank you and Shilo for brightening our lives!!

    Susan with Tazzie in my heart

  5. Peyton's Path Says:

    Everything you wrote about Shilo was incredible! Our hearts go out to you! We lost Peyton two days after Christmas! I still think Peyton and Shilo were connected having their amputations on the same day! Reading your post made me cry for you and for Peyton! We are thinking about you and your family! Just remember some day you will be reunited and it will be a wonderful day!

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